
2011-06-19 2:33 am


回答 (2)

2011-06-19 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The violin is a popular string instrument, usually with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest, highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments. There are more violins in a symphony orchestra than other instruments. The tone color of the violin in its brilliant sound, a high level of playing skill and rich in a wide range of expression. The modern violin has more than 300 years of history, the production itself is a very sophisticated technology. The sound of violin is similar to the human voice. It gives people gentle, warm, light, brilliant and even the most dramatic of strong feelings. For centuries, the world famous composer writing a large number of classic works of the violin, for example: Violin Concerto by Mozart and Beethoven. The violin virtuoso on the instrument developed in this exquisite performance art.Violin History is the topic which many historians, musicians or experts are interested in, but until today the origin and ancestors of violin are still mysteries. There were, however, many precursors to the violin. Some, such as the Ravanstron, the Rabab and the Rebec have been around since 5000 B.C. There are several others whose names are not known, also dating back to a few thousand B.C.Sorry, violin is really a big topic, I don't know what you what to say about it. If you what more information about violin, you can go to the following website:

2011-06-18 19:34:30 補充:
I agree the advice from Mee ( 小學級 4 級 ) . If it is your homework, you may take the composition above as reference, hope you will not just copy it all as your homework.

2011-06-18 19:40:13 補充:
Sorry, I typed some words above wrongly. It shold be: I don't know what you want to say about it. If you want more information about violin, you can go to the following website:
參考: I did not copy from the web site I gave you, I find informations and wrote it myself
2011-06-19 3:20 am
if you sincerely need help, you must give more instructions (what level, number of words, etc) and some ideas of your own. Otherwise, people would think that you are so lazy and just waiting for the answer to come to you that you couldn't even bother to help yourself out a bit!!!!!!!

2011-06-18 19:21:45 補充:
hope you don't take offence. so many people are like that!!

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