再探英語 -ing形式

2011-06-18 8:45 pm

英語中的 -ing形式有時會稱為 present participle, 有時會稱為 gerund


On being introduced, British people often shake hands.
They left without saying goodbye.
After returning my library books, I borrowed some magazines.
While speaking on the phone, she doodled.
By appealing to the emotion of the public, the advertisement achieves its end.

一: "形式(form)決定了一切"
如果 -ing前的是介詞, 如何判斷?
如果 -ing前的是連詞?
如果 -ing前的可以是介詞或連詞?
如果 -ing前無字?

二: "取決於意義與角色"
不應該以前面的字的詞性來判斷, 而是考慮 -ing 本身的角色.
如果是補語? The police got the traffic moving.


The police got the traffic moving. 這個 "got" 有使役含義. 我覺得 moving 是 present participle. 警察使交通動起來. (意思是警察指揮交通, 結果交通動起來.)


其實我想問的是: "區分-ing屬participle/gerund 準則為何"

回答 (4)

2011-06-24 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
V + ing" can be regarded as gerund or persent participle. Or it is used under continuous tense.

The case:
We are not to supplying vegetables.
"supplying", may be regarded as a participle.

講到 ING 如果想加長句子,,是否在句子最後的名詞之後加動詞,而這個動詞只要加了 ING , 便合文化了, 這樣便有新的內容了. 就像以上兩句一樣...

咁樣講係有少少錯...除左加ing外, 有時係要加ed
S=subject, V=verb/ auxilary verb, O=object, C=complement
S同O/C, 都係由noun組成。

Case 2:
好似Sam is a waiter.
你可以向最後面加個個v+ing, 將個noun變做一個noun-clause,
Sam is a waiter serving many customers.

Case 3:
但係, 有時要用v+ed,
Sam is a waiter employed by Dick.

因為佢地其實有個名叫做persent participle/past participle,
向Case 2入面, 因為waiter serve一個customer, 係主動, 所以用persent participle,
向case 3, 因為waiter is employed, 係被動的, 所以用past participle

你既講法可以算係正確, 但並唔係任何情況之下通用。正確既講法應該係用clause尼加長句子, 而clause有分好多種, 如上文所舉的noun-clause, 仲有其他如that- clause等

向noun clause入面, verb會被幻化為participle, 而且要注意係active定係passive, 而分別用persent participle或者 past participle.

I want to do as soon as do.
as soon as可以睇成一個adverb...
所以有"as adv. as"+ adj.
eg. Maxi is as handsomely as Dick.

The famous restautant, which had many people eating the dinner
「The famous restautant」= 「which had many people eating the dinner」
2011-06-20 7:45 pm
我想, 這個問題, 還是不好在yahoo 這裡找答案...
2011-06-20 6:11 am
1) On...............................(adv)
being introduced,...(pre.p + p.p=passive voice in adv clause.)
British peaple often shake hands.

2) They left
without saying goodbye.( gerund phrase as noun in prep. phrase. )

3) After returning my ribrary books,(present participle as verb in adv clause)
I borrowed some magazines

4) while speaking on the phone, she doodled. ( The same as no. 3. )

5) By appealing to the emotion of public. (gerund as noun in prep.phrase.)
the advertisement achieves its end.

2011-06-19 23:01:44 補充:


V~ing作noun...subject...object...complement...and in prep. phrase 是gerund.

2011-06-19 23:14:51 補充:
The police got
the traffic moving.=那交通的 [移動=noun角色].=GERUND.

2011-06-20 08:34:28 補充:
回覆Ahhhh :
without saying goodbye. 是一prepositional phrase,去作They left的adverb.

By appealing to......of......, 整句也是一prepositional phrase,去作下句的adverb.

Ho-Yin的重黠是V~ing的分別, 她不至於到連全是adverbial都不知.

2011-06-20 12:06:35 補充:
Ahhhh: " The traffic moving." =object=noun=gerund.

got=vt................The police=subject.

2011-06-19 5:12 am
I think you are a grammar nuts! Can you tell me if my guess is correct?

All those present participles function as adjectives.

2011-06-20 02:16:14 補充:
sik-hung's answer isn't 100% correct, and I can't understand his explanation, though! By appealing... (It couldn't be a gerund.) and without saying good-bye isn't a gerund phrase, but it's an adverbial phrase.

2011-06-20 10:41:38 補充:
sik-hung, moving isn't a gerund.

The police got the traffic moving. (Moving is a present participle in describing the police got the traffic)

After returning... (it's a gerund!)

2011-06-20 21:31:21 補充:
sik-hung, moving isn't a noun but it's an adjective. moving in this sentence acts more likely to be an adjective than a noun, so it couldn't be a gerund! No formula please and it isn't a Math course!

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