不會的英文句子 幫我英翻中文

2011-06-19 6:53 am
1.When you study abroad, you have to overconme the language barrier.
2.Newspaers contain much useful information about current events.
3.Televisions and radios are electronic devices.
4.She was woken up by a loud noise.
5.The students like Dr. Wang very much because he teaches English very well.
6.There are several reasons why we should learn English. First of all, English is an international language that many people use to communicate.
7.We're going to New York next week for a vacation. I am excited about the trip.
8.I have to stay after-hours in the laboratory two or three nights a week. A lot of products have to go nano, and we have to do lots of R&D work.
9.I heard that WALL-E received a lot of positive reviews. Also, the movie set a record at the box office.


回答 (4)

2011-06-19 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.When you study abroad, you have to overconme the language barrier. 出國唸書要克服語言障礙。
2.Newspaers contain much useful information about current events.
3.Televisions and radios are electronic devices. 電視及收音機都是電子產品。
4.She was woken up by a loud noise. 一聲巨響吵醒了她。
5.The students like Dr. Wang very much because he teaches English very well. 學生很喜歡王博士因為他英文教的很好。
6.There are several reasons why we should learn English. First of all, English is an international language that many people use to communicate. 學英文有很多理由。第一,英文是國際語言,許多人都以此溝通。
7.We're going to New York next week for a vacation. I am excited about the trip. 我們下週要去紐約,我很興奮。
8.I have to stay after-hours in the laboratory two or three nights a week. A lot of products have to go nano, and we have to do lots of R&D work. 我每個禮拜下班後要在實驗室待上兩到三個晚上。很多產品要奈米化,也要做很多研究開發的工作。
9.I heard that WALL-E received a lot of positive reviews. Also, the movie set a record at the box office. 我聽說瓦力獲得許多好評。此外,該電影也刷新票房紀錄。

go nano那裡不確定,希望有其他大大指點。

2011-06-18 23:32:09 補充:
Thank you, penguin. I appreciate that.
參考: 自己+字典
2011-06-19 5:57 pm

當您學習海外时,您必須overconme語言障隘。 Newspaers包含關於时事的有用的信息。電視和收音機是電子信箱。她由喧鬧聲叫醒。因為他很好,教英語學生喜歡Wang博士非常多有幾個原因為什么我們應該學會英語。 首先,英語是許多人民使用傳送的一種國際語言。 We' 再下星期去到紐約一個假期。 我被激發關於旅行。我必須在几小时以后停留實驗室二或三夜每星期。 很多產品必須是納諾,並且我們必須做許多R& D工作。我聽見WALL-E接受了很多正面回顧。 並且,電影布景一個紀錄在票房。
2011-06-19 4:58 pm
您學習海外的1.When,您必須overconme语言障隘。 2.Newspaers包含關於时事的有用的信息。 3.Televisions和收音機是电子设备。 4.She由喧闹声叫醒。因為他很好,教英语5.The學生喜歡Wang博士非常。 6.There是幾個原因為什么我們應該學會英语。 首先,英語是許多人民使用传达的一種國際語言。 7.We' 再下星期去到紐約一個假期。 我被激發關於旅行。 8.I必須在几小时以后停留實驗室二或三夜每星期。 很多產品必須是納諾,並且我們必須做許多R& D工作。 9.I聽見WALL-E接受了很多正面回顧。 並且,电影布景一個紀錄在票房。
2011-06-19 7:29 am

2.Newspaers contain much useful information about current events.

go nano 應該是奈米化沒錯

overall good job Ben, nice translation

有其他大大對於 nano 有其他答案ㄇ?


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