哈利波特入面, 死左既人點先可以變成鬼魂出現?

2011-06-18 7:03 am
成日都好多人死, (例如天狼星, HP既父母)
但係點解佢地唔可以好似霍格華茲既鬼魂(例如皮皮鬼, 愛哭鬼麥朵)咁行黎行去??

回答 (1)

2011-06-19 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
From Harry Potter Book 5:

Very few wizards choose to come back. They would have 'gone on'

Sir Nicholas "I was afraid of death. I chose to remain behind."

There are no specific reasons, but from the book, those ghosts in Hogwarts have chosen to stay behind, so they can walk and talk.

(Sorry no Chin names; I read English)
參考: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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