F.4 ENG 吾識解

2011-06-18 3:51 am
Pursue activities that require a natural landscape setting or that depend on rurally located resources, rather than for the scenic quality of the rural backdrop. Activities such as sailing, canoeing, potholing, shooting, climbing, hang-gliding and skiing are examples of the latter where the quality of the resource is more significant than the landscape in which it is set, whereas activities such as cycling, horse riding and walking perhaps depend more closely on high quality landscapes.

thz a lot

回答 (1)

2011-06-18 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
first paragraph:definition of purse activities
Pursue activities that require a natural landscape setting or that depend on rurally located resources, rather than for the scenic quality of the rural backdrop.
*remark(其實唔洗理會一些專業名詞如:Pursue activities)

second paragraph:examples of latter(for the scenic quality of the rural backdrop.)
Activities such as sailing, canoeing, potholing, shooting, climbing, hang-gliding and skiing are examples of the latter where the quality of the resource is more significant than the landscape in which it is set

third paragraph: example of former(require a natural landscape setting or that depend on rurally located resources)
whereas activities such as cycling, horse riding and walking perhaps depend more closely on high quality landscapes.


2011-06-17 23:55:58 補充:
參考: yahoo字典+自己

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