扁桃腺發炎 醫生給我的藥我有疑問

2011-06-17 8:38 pm
Scanol (500mg)
Ponstan (500mg)必要時食
Keflex(500mg)抗生素 x2


回答 (3)

2011-06-26 9:05 pm

我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^
2011-06-23 2:18 am
as the above information given by another respondent, there are some mistake exist.

Scanol has an active ingredient acetaminophen same as panadol 止痛藥
Strocaine is a kind of antacid that can protect your stomach from suffering from any discomfort 胃痛
Ponstan is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug that is commonly used and described as pain anti-inflammatory pain killer 消炎止痛
Keflex contains cephalexin, a first-line antibiotic used to treat bacterial infection 抗生素

in fact kelfex can be given at an ever higher dose for severe infection, say at 6000mg in 24hours, which is similar to your prescribed dosage (two capsules of 500mg, four times daily). this indicates that your not overdosed. 'Oral:Susceptible infections
Adult: 1-2 g daily given in divided doses at 6-, 8-, 12-hr intervals, increased to 6 g in deep-seated infections.'

藥理: Keflex是第一代半合成口服頭孢菌素,對金葡萄菌、鏈球菌、肺炎球菌、大腸桿菌、流感啫血桿菌及卡他球菌等有抗菌作用。其特點是耐酸、耐酶,口服吸收良好,在血和尿中均可達到較高濃度 用途:皮膚及軟組織感染;耳朵、鼻、喉嚨感染;呼吸道感染及泌尿生殖道感染 劑量: 成人: 每6小時一次,每次250-500mg, up to 6000mg per day 用藥禁忌: 對頭孢子菌類(Cephalosporins)抗生素有過敏的病人 用藥注意: 嚴重腎功能受損者、對青黴素類(Penicillins)過敏的病人、餵哺母乳的婦女在使用期間須加倍留意 常見副作用: 常見的為胃腸道反應,如噁心、嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉等;頭痛、無力、頭暈 其他副作用: 長期服用可發生耐藥菌的二重感染、陰道念珠菌病及肛門痕癢,偶可有過敏性皮疹、蕁麻疹和休克等 藥物相互作用: 同時服用其他制菌藥可能會降低頭孢菌素的功效;痛風藥Probenecid會增加頭孢氨芐在血液中的濃度及毒性 病患者及家屬注意事項: 每次服用液體製劑之前,要混和均勻;膠囊應整粒吞服,並配充足開水服用
2011-06-18 12:03 pm
Scanol (500mg) -> 止痛, 退燒
Strocaine ->止痛
Ponstan (500mg) -> 止痛, 消炎
Keflex(500mg) -> 抗生素

一天兩粒沒問題, 你不吃就有問題,

2011-06-19 02:02:58 補充:
份量較大, 但亦係正常范圍之內, 証明你扁桃腺都發炎得犀利
唔使擔心, 根醫生指示食啦, 記住抗生素一定要食晒, 唔係有機會有抗藥性

2011-06-27 20:51:55 補充:
I don't agree with the respondant that my answer was having mistakes and I want to clarify here.

2011-06-27 20:52:24 補充:
Strocaine contains Oxethazaine and Polymigel, it is not only an antacid, but it also possess local anaesthestic properties. I admit that I don't make it clear for use in stomach pain, but you cannot deny its pain killing property.

2011-06-27 20:52:38 補充:
So I said it's 止痛 is not wrong, but unclear, just need to say more specifically 止胃痛.

see the below websites

2011-06-27 21:01:24 補充:
I don't know where he found Keflex to have a maximum dosage of 6g/day. The website of what he stated is TOTALLY WRONG!

2011-06-27 21:01:29 補充:
The website is talking about moxifloxacin but we are talking about cephalexin (Keflex). They are TOTALLY DIFFERENT as moxifloxacin belongs to the group quinolone but cephalexin belongs to the group cephalosporin.

2011-06-27 21:03:40 補充:
Keflex (Cephalexin) has a maximum dosage of 4g / day. It is what the questioner's dosage. For evidenece, you can go to the below websites:

2011-06-27 21:07:19 補充:
If the infection is severe, and cephalexin needed to be prescribed greater than 4g / day, the prescription should change into parental administration. That is, using the intravaneous route. Because the penetration of oral administration is not enough for severe infection.

2011-06-27 21:15:34 補充:
Please do enough research before challenging others.
Also, don't cite wrong references, as this would disrupt others and has no point in argument.

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