grammer checking

2011-06-17 10:02 am

我想話我ielts考到7分 應該點寫?
I attended the IELTS, scoring Band 7.0.

回答 (2)

2011-06-17 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我估你的句子的重點是在於你的得分(to score), 而不是在於你應考(to attend) 所以倒不如簡單說 I scored Band 7.0 in the IELTS ...

I attended the IELTS, scoring Band 7.0 這樣寫, 不好. 它們不是同時發生.
2011-06-19 2:09 am
I agree with ho-yin. another point: correct spelling: 'grammar'

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