Republicans, do you know that you will loose 2012? Why do you waste time and money in campaigning?

2011-06-17 12:08 am

回答 (13)

2011-06-17 3:21 am
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They do know they will lose. Just take a look at who they have to run against Obama , nothing important. They cant even get Christe, or demint to try. Its going to be 2008 again where they set McCain up knowing they couldnt beat Obama.
2011-06-17 12:10 am
2011-06-17 12:11 am
So if Republicans are going to loose, how do you explain that 47% would definitely NOT vote for Obama? Do you really think that the other 53% are all going to vote for Obama? Have you ever heard of the independents?
2011-06-17 12:14 am
Yeah, right. Keep that thought in your mind when you hear the results of the 2012 elections.
2011-06-17 12:29 am
Hi, most of us"americans" are "sick"! Of "obama" and the "liberals" for all the"change" crap they have done! Layoffs, taxes, illegal immigrants, unemployment, gas prices, foreign trade, government spending, social security, medicaid, medicare, abortion, the bible,the constitution! These items are either being cut, ignored or being changed by the "socialist" liberal party!
2011-06-17 12:11 am
so talking about future elections without a hint of substance is pretty much all you got, huh?

...I mean, sure it worked once.....but a lot of the people who fell for it also thought gitmo would be closed, lobbyists would be out of the White House and we'd reduced our bombing of Middle Eastern nations...

...who are THEY going to support?
2011-06-17 12:12 am
I hope Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination just so i can see Obama get utterly destroyed and put to shame by Dr. Paul in a debate
2011-06-17 12:18 am
I'm a student, unemployed. I love Obama's healthcare. Free health insurance - I need it the most. Why republicans?
2016-11-29 3:52 pm
i think of of the GOP has an a political assassination deliberate in time for around August. now no longer the homicide form of assassination, the political assassination form of advertising campaign. Smear, scandal, strife. all the "sturdy" stuff. they might opt to be clever sufficient to maintain the money for yet yet another 4 years from now - till they have been making plans and characteristic been as much as a minimum of a few thing. i'm unregistered, yet in terms of viewing this obtrusive Republican conspiracy, i might help Obama.
2011-06-17 12:20 am
Obama will win . I sure wish he doesn't but the unfortunate fact is he will.Then Prince William ( the beast from the sea) and Meitreya ( the beast from the land ) will put America in the UN controlled new world order , but not before Rael the current head of theosophists since may 21 is replaced by William in theosophy on October 7, then Hans Kolvenbach ( called hands and the black pope in nostradamus) will become pope , Andre Ving Trois the cardinal of Paris will become president of France , restart the holy roman empire, then Andre will become pope , combine new holy roman empire and the UN into the new world order , make prince Harry or Chyren it's head , then William will be head of the NWO with Maitreya , after Obama Is reelected , and before America joins it.

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