Why did Vancouver have a riot?

2011-06-16 6:49 pm
I know why. But they're supposed to be a peaceful, beautiful canadian city.
Seriously, you have a riot because your hockey team lost?

回答 (15)

2011-06-17 8:06 am
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They did not riot because they lost to a bunch of americans. Theres only 4 Americans on the Bruins.

Vancouvers one of the nicest cities in North America, and it was despicable to see those people destroying their own city. It doesn't matter if they havent won in their 40 years of an NHL team. They shouldntve had a crowd to watch on a big screen in the first place cause that just started the fire. A lot of people just wanted to be like the 94 riot and figured its a custom to do it every time they reach the finals.
2011-06-16 6:53 pm
They're Canadian?
2011-06-16 6:52 pm
1. Alcohol

2. Bad Goal Tending

3. Classless cheap shots taken while the game is on the line

4. Alcohol
2011-06-16 6:51 pm
Well they were beat by a bunch of Americans. And their boys would be playin puck at this time of year for free, ya know?

Edit: Don't make fun for rioting though, we're the ones that riot when we win.
2011-06-16 6:53 pm
Canadians lost at hockey.
2011-06-17 5:47 am
I don't even live in Vancouver but I am so ashamed for our entire country. As if we weren't ridiculed enough for being maple syrup loving fanatics obsessed with hockey. That riot justifies that stereotype to the entire world now. News reports have claimed it was not even Canucks fans who started the rioting but rather "anarchists" dressed in Canucks attire. But just watching the clips of the destruction that was caused over a HOCKEY GAME makes me cringe and fills me with disgust. I feel bad for the people of Vancouver and for everyone in Canada.
And people who say that we're lunatics for causing a riot over a hockey game, say we're uncivilized and that we're wrong to look down on the US, uhm... What?
A riot that was caused by a small population of one Canadian city does not represent all of Canada. You can't judge a whole nation based off of one thing you heard about on the news. It's a generalization saying we look down on America. I don't look down on any countries but reality is there are prejudice ******* everywhere, in Canada and the US.
2011-06-16 11:01 pm
Being a Vancouverite, I think losing of the game was just an excuse for the riot, the real reasons:
- Those hooligans have no brains and thought it was fun to destroy the city
- bad parenting
- bad education
- punishment not harsh enough

I feel very embarrassed and ashamed of what had happened last night. I am angry at the rioters who destroyed our city and our reputation, they deserve a severe punishment for what they had done. Not only the violent rioters, there were those who looted stuff from the stores and cheered when cars were set on fire, didn’t they realize they were committing crime too? My heart broke when I was watching the riot on TV, where was humanity? Can’t blame it on the alcohol, can't blame it on the game.
2011-06-16 9:50 pm
I think it's just a bunch of idiots using the game loss as an excuse to riot. Makes me sick!
2011-06-16 10:15 pm
I'm from Vancouver and what people are not realizing is that those who were rioting were the minority of citizens not the majority. Does that excuse what happen? No of course not. Being a proud Canucks fan I know those who caused such chaos are not true fans. We will not be able to redeem ourselves from what those hooligans (as the police and mayor like to call them) have done. Perhaps those in other countries didn't get the news that many people are ashamed and are helping clean the streets. For those Americans questioning how civilized we are, well all I can say is crack open a history book. I do apologize for what happen even though I was not in anyway involved.

For those who think my views are ignorant or bias give me a break I'm only 15.
2011-06-16 7:16 pm
I've been there and loved the city. I even seriously considered moving there. After last night and a riot over the home team finishing 2nd best in all of hockey, I have to say I've lost a LOT of respect for the place.

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