
2011-06-16 11:57 am
由於公司裁員,我被迫要求立即離職,e-mail account亦即時被停用,以致我無法通知所有人.包括公司同事及客戶.
不過有聽聞公司出信通知內部同事,我離職是因為損害了公司利益. 我覺得跟公司裁員原意完全不同,亦損害我個人聲譽.
我自己問心無愧, 想出信通知客戶,可否替我翻譯為英文.

本人已於x月x日離開xxx公司. 有關該公司之一切均與本人無關. 本人並無違反該公司任何條例, 離職完全為公司之商業決定.

回答 (3)

2011-06-21 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
本人已於x月x日離開xxx公司. 有關該公司之一切均與本人無關. 本人並無違反該公司任何條例, 離職完全為公司之商業決定.

I, Chan Tai Man have left XXX Company since 20th June, 2011.So I no longer associate with XXx Company.Anyway I have never breached any regulations of XXX Company,and I left XXX company due to its business decisions.I shall reserve the lawful right to pursue \ take legal action, if I discover any false \ inaccurate news which will ruin my fame \ reputation.
2011-06-20 8:17 pm
X month x day I had to leave the xxx company.'s All about the company and I have nothing to do and I did not violate any regulations of the company, leaving the decision entirely to the company's business and if found any false news detrimental to my reputation, I will retain legal accountability,
參考: 我自己
2011-06-16 11:51 pm
Myself left xxx company in x month x date. The related this company all have nothing to do with myself. Myself and not violate this company any rule, leaves job completely commercial of decision for the company. If has discovered that news of any reality, does not harm myself the prestige, myself will retain in the law to investigate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:01:57
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