Found small lump in breast?

2011-06-16 5:24 am
More so under. Its shaped like a tiny fish tank rock. And it's just below the skin. Almost seems like a pimple-to-be but it's not painful. And k have one on my back that I thought was a pimple scar. But now they feel too much alike. Should I get it checked? Or wait it out to see if it goes away. I'm 19. No former issues. Cancer does run in my family.

回答 (5)

2011-06-16 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Check it out, hun.
2011-06-16 12:59 pm
The chances of breast cancer at 19 are one in one million; that's statistically less than half your chance of being struck by lightning.

Breast cancer lumps are within the breast, they don't appear like pimples and aren't just below the skin.

Cancer rarely runs in families; fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary, and cancer diagnosed after the age of 50 is even less likely to be hereditary. You don't inherit a general tendency to get cancer. In particular, several family members having had different types of cancer is not hereditary; where cancer is hereditary, it is always the same type of cancer.

Even those of us who've had breast cancer - and so are at greater risk - are advised to wait two weeks before seeing a doctor if we have any concerns like this; that way, if it's simply hormonal or from some other cause it has a chance to settle down.

So, monitor it for a couple of weeks; if it's still there and still concerns you see a doctor for reassurance
參考: classed as a 'younger woman' when diagnosed with breast cancer - because I was only 50
2011-06-16 12:26 pm
Whenever theres something that could be cancer, get it checked. I would go as soon as possible, DO NOT wait and hope it goes by. If you do and it is cancer, all your doing is diminishing your chances.
2011-06-16 12:45 pm
Please go see a doctor asap. My mom first had a small lump too and discovered that it was cancer. Don't wait. Please go.

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