急!!!PIONEER車機問題 20分!!!

2011-06-16 2:25 am
我想係車機度睇YOUTUBE DOWN落黎既片, 係MP4格式, 但PIONEER唔支援MP4, 我睇過說明書只支援DIVX, 咁我之後就轉成DIVX, 轉左後個檔名後面係.AVI, 但都睇唔到...想問下各位有咩辦法可以解決, 我係放係手指入面睇既, 如果燒隻DVD會唔會睇到??要轉成咩檔先燒??但最好就係唔使燒碟放係手指入面都可以睇到, 同埋有咩轉檔軟件可以介紹我, 因為我宜家用的好慢...

回答 (1)

2011-06-20 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

If the download video is in "avi" format, you need to use the corresponding media player to watch. One freeware I suggest you considering is named Free AVI Player, and the downloading webpage is below:


You may download it and attempt. I am confident your problem can be solved, and you can watch the online videos in your car.

Hope I can help you.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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