Chinese International School

2011-06-16 2:04 am
hi can anyone tell me some information about Chinese International School?

How are the students there? are they snobbish or are they friendly?

Do students compare themselves a lot? like how much money they have (coz they're rich, right?)

What are the chances of getting in to CIS as a transfer student?

if you know answers to these questions, please answer them!! it will be greatly appreciated!! thanks!! ^^

I'm just trying to get to know about this school that I happen to like a lot, but unfortunately know nothing about it, so please help if you know! :P

回答 (1)

2011-06-25 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
漢基辦校宗旨漢基國際學校以教授中英雙語課程為旗幟,並竭力據此達致最高學術水平。漢基的辦校宗旨是激勵學生終生愛好學習、追求知識。 我們啟發學生的求知慾,培養其獨立性與具批判性、有創見的思考能力,並藉此激發學生的潛力,促長其完美人格。我們致力於培訓學生成為富悲憫心、具高尚情操、有責任感的人,期許他們對國家及世界作出貢獻,尊重別人的意見、信仰與文化,且勇於創新。你可以去以下網址睇下:(希望可以幫到你^^加油呀!!)

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