會計問題: voucher 同 audit clerk的工作
1. 如果有credit purchase
就要入acc payable voucher, 之後payment入payment voucher
acc payable voucher 的double entry 是
dr p&l (purchase) cr creditor
咁如果有credit sales呢????
dr. debtor cr. p&l 的double entry 入落邊個vouncher?
2. 仲有, 聽日我第一日番cpa firm 做audit clerk,
可唔可以technical 上講下我要做乜,
回答 (2)
1. a) Dr. Purchases Cr. Trade Creditors
b) Dr. Trade Debtors Cr. Sales, we normally use a journal voucher to record the toal sales for a month and input individual entry to each of the trade debtor in a trade debtors ledger for a better control.
2. Apparently, you are going to take up a audit junior post with jobs noramlly casting, checking the ending balances of the client's ledger accounts, vouching to bank payments and receipts voucher, journal voucher and to check whether the supporting doucments, invoices, bills are sufficent. And, whether transactions are arr duly checked, authorised and approved.
Your work attitude and follow the instructions given by your supervisor.
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:40:49
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