
2011-06-15 6:50 pm
有d英文想請教大家一下, 希望幫下我啦~

訂位前已經order左客朱古力布甸, 碟上面要寫生日快樂, 如果想問WAITER 之前訂左個甜品準備好未可以點問?! or 甜品可以上檯勒又係點問?! 謝謝~

回答 (1)

2011-06-15 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
excuse me, i have pre-ordered a dessert. is it ready?

is the dessert ready to serve? (no need to say 'ready to be served')

hope i have helped you!

enjoy the meal!

參考: myself

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