AR1 Annual Return 股本點填?

2011-06-15 10:04 am
數月前買了個空殼的「私人有股本有限公司」,到期要交AR1表格,但不知道section 9.股本應點填!例如法定股本和己發行股本係點填?
section 3,己繳及應繳的總面額: HK$9,999,
section 4,公司自成立為法團當日起計,累積的己繳股款總額:HK$10,000
section 5A填左獲分配股數:9,999股,HK$1/share.....
section 6, 又係填左我有9,999股
有張Sold Note,寫到好似用HK$1轉左1股比我...



回答 (3)

2011-06-15 6:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Section 9
截至本申報表日期As at the Date of this Return 法定股本Authorized Share Capital 已發行股本 Issued Share Capital 股份類別 Class of Shares 總面值 Total Nominal Value † 已發行 股份數目 Number of Shares Issued 每股已 發行股份 的面值 Nominal Value of Each Share Issued † 已發行股份的 總面值 Total Nominal Value of Shares Issued † 已發行股份的 已繳股款總值 (不包括溢價) Total Paid up Value of Shares Issued † (excluding premium) (a) (b) (a) x (b) Ordinary HK$10,000.00 10,000 HK$1.00 HK$10,000.00 HK$10,000.00 總值 Total HK$10,000.00 10,000 HK$10,000.00 HK$10,000.00
Section 10

股份Shares 姓名/名稱 Name 地址 Address 現時持有量 Current Holding 轉讓* Transferred * 備註 Remarks 數目Number 日期 Date (Transferor個名) (Transferor個地址) Nil (1) (Sold Note日期) Transfer to (你個名) (你個名) (你個地址) 10,000 1 (Sold Note 日期) Transfer from (transferor個名) 總數 Total 10,000
2011-06-15 5:54 pm
AR1 內 Section 9 係要填法定股本(Authorised Share Capital) 及已發行及繳足股本 (Issued and fully paid share capital), 而你照填法定及已發行都係10,000, 類別(Class)係普通股及每股面值一元就得喇!反而係Section 10 要將原始股(Subscriber’s share)嘅資料要填上及記錄讓出日期等:最難填其實係呢部份!僅供參考!
2011-06-15 5:32 pm
You have a subscriber in the M & A taking up 1 share when the company is formed. so, when you bought the ready-made company, you had a share transfer ( Instrument of Transfer and Bold and Sold Note ) of 1 share from the subscriber to you. You made a further allottment of 9,999 shares to you. The issued capital of the company should then be 10,000 shares i.e. issued capital $10,000 and this should be stated in the Annual Return.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:37:35
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