
2011-06-16 7:24 am
The trick for any candidate is going to be winning the nomination of a party that the tea-party movement has driven sharply to the right without alienating too many of the voters in the centre on whom final victory will depend.

回答 (5)

2011-06-16 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案

The trick for any candidate is going to be winning the nomination of a party that the tea-party movement has driven sharply to the right without alienating too many of the voters in the centre on whom final victory will depend. 任何候選人的要訣都是在於,要能贏得一個被“茶葉黨”運動劇烈影響而右傾之政黨的提名,同時不至於過度疏遠了那些能決定最後勝利的中間路線者。1. Tea Party是採殖民地時期波士頓市民反對英國橫徵暴斂,乃借反抗茶葉稅之名將茶葉倒入波士頓港的事件,而取的名稱。故應翻為“茶葉黨”較合適。 2. 要贏得共和黨的提名似乎不得不巴結黨內極右傾的茶葉黨及其同情者;同時又不能因此冒犯太多對茶葉黨沒有好感,卻掌握最終(總統大選)結局的中間路線分子。

2011-06-16 01:40:52 補充:
I, too, subscribe to The Economist.

2011-06-17 01:36:45 補充:
2011-06-17 3:05 am
參考: me
2011-06-16 9:56 pm
The trick for any candidate is going to be winning the nomination of a party
that the tea-party movement has driven sharply to the right without alienating
too many of the voters in the centre on whom final victory will depend.

2011-06-16 9:14 am
參考: ME+ Wikipedia
2011-06-16 7:43 am

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