
2011-06-15 12:43 am
想請問把一粒乾電池和幾條鎖匙、一個汽車遙控一同放在褲袋裡,過了一段時間,乾電池變得燙手是甚麼原理,最終會否爆炸 ?

回答 (2)

2011-06-15 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果一粒乾電池和一條鎖匙一同放在褲袋裡應該冇問題, 如果把一粒乾電池和幾條鎖匙一同放在褲袋裡就會分分鐘短路爆炸。

因爲鎖匙係導體, 會導電, 如果一條鎖匙就冇機會短路。
2011-06-15 4:09 am
It probably that the dry cell was short circuited by the metallic keys. Thus producing electric current that heats up the cell.

Small explosion might occur should the current be large.

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