Cervical lordosis is lost.Marginal osteophytisis are seen at C5-C7 vertebrae.C5/C6 and C6/C7 disc spaces are narrowed.
There is no recent fracture or bony erosion.Articular margins and pedicles are intact.Bony alignment is satisfactory.
Features are compatible with cervical spondylosis.C5/C6 and C6/C7 disc spaces are narrowed, could be due to disc prolapse or disc degeneration.
shing: 多謝你既解答, 好詳細~~~ 咁我想問下, 頸椎有咁既問題, 可以睇乜野醫生呢??? 因為普通家庭醫生話冇得醫, 物理治療都幫助不大播, 聽完真係好唔開心~~~ 其實點樣可以減少痛既發病率呢??? 又點樣可以減少繼續退化呢???