there is red surrounding my cats eye, not in the eye but just around it? Whats wrong with it?

2011-06-13 3:41 am
please no answers such s take it to the vet, unless you can tell me whats wrong first

回答 (3)

2011-06-13 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Conjunctivitis" is what it's called, which just means inflammation/ infection of the conjunctiva (the part surrounding the eyeball). Usually it is from some kind of infection -- a viral infection from Feline Herpesvirus (FHV-1) or a bacterial infection like Chlamydia. Or sometimes could be both going on at once. Allergies may sometimes cause conjunctivitis too but it's more likely to be from an infection.
But first it should be ruled out that it is not an injury or a foreign body in the eye that is irritating the conjunctiva.

A vet can look at some of the discharge under a microscope and find out if it is a bacterial infection. If so (s)he would probably treat with antibiotic eyedrops and maybe also an oral antibiotic.

If it's from FHV-1, something that may help is L-Lysine, an amino acid that basically "tricks" the virus and stops it from replicating. It is non-prescription. you can get it at a drugstore or supermarket in the section of vitamins and supplements.. I buy L-Lysine tablets and crush it up into a powder and mix it into canned cat food - it doesn't have much taste. My vet recommended 500 mg a day while they are having a flare up.
Some vets recommend that after the eye gets back to normal, you should continue with a daily maintenance dose of 250 mg of L-Lysine to help prevent it recurring. (FHV-1 stays in their system for life. Most cats have been exposed to this virus. In some cats it may just stay dormant. In others it is dormant most of the time but occasionally flares up. And a few cats cats have more frequent flare ups. Stress is a major factor since it suppresses the immune system

You can use sterile saline solution eye drops to rinse & lubricate the eyes, which might be soothing (but of course won't take its place of an antibiotic if the cat really needs that. )

Apparently some people have had great results with apple cider vinegar (NOT as eye drops! they are mixing it with an equal amount of water and rubbing it on the paw or back of their neck ).http: // I've never tried this, but if it is a fairly mild case, it might be worth trying to see if it will help then if after 2 days it is not helping and the cat is the same or worse, i would get the cat to the vet.

But if the tissue surrounding the eye is badly swollen and red , and/or if there are other symptoms going on & cat seems ill, lethargic or won't eat, definitely just call the vet right away and try to get in there ASAP.
2011-06-13 3:53 am
Ummmm.... A vet is who you should be asking in the first place. Duh. We can't see your cat, most of us are not exactly experts. Not trying to be rude but a vet is a qualified indivual trained to heal your cat.

We're just some people you met online.
2011-06-13 3:51 am
i believe it is some infection well i cant be sure but from the description yes i do think its an infection
you should take itt to the vet
if you dont well
there are some serious infections that may make *gulp*there eye FALL OUT

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