All of it 文法

2011-06-13 3:40 am
All of it 英文文法有冇錯?

定應該用All of them?


回答 (2)

2011-06-14 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
'All of it' and 'all of them' can both be correct,
--when 'it' in 'all of it' refers to something singular or uncountable or collective:
The lot of land stretches from here all the way to there and I own all of it.
The fruit juice was so nice that I drank all of it.
I have travelled in Spain for a year. I have met so many interesting people and done so many exciting things. I have loved all of it.
--when 'them' in 'all of them' refers to sth plural:
I have had quite a few boy friends before and I have loved all of them.

I hope I have helped you.

Take care!
參考: myself
2011-06-13 10:39 pm
we eat all of it. = Ok in spoken English
All of it is eaten by us. = Ok in spoken English

All of them have been eaten by us.= Ok

Most cases - we will say.

All of them are owned by me.
All of them will visit us on Sunday.

Do you own part of the house?
No, I own the entire house. proper English
( I own all of it - people understand during the conversaion but not proper English)

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