frequently confused words的用法

2011-06-12 11:26 pm
請各位用中文詳細解釋frequently confused words的用法

回答 (2)

2011-06-22 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
everyday 日常的 (adjective) = normal, usual and routine.
every day 每天(two words ~adverbial expression) = each day
We have to face everyday problems of living in a city.
She asks the same question every day.

beside 在旁邊 = next to.
besides 此外 = in addition to
I sit beside her in our class.
I don’t need any help. Besides, I am nearly finished..

classic 最優秀的 = being among the best or more typical of its class; serving as a standard or model
classical 古典 = to describe something that is traditional in form or contents
The statement was a classic illustration of British politeness.
I love classical music.

continual 連續的 = happening repeatedly over a long period of time
continuous 持續不斷的 = without any break or interruption.
She suffered from continual pain.
The canals join to form one continuous waterway.

economic 經濟上的 = connected with the economy of a region or science of economics
economical 節儉的 = cheaper to use or operate than something similar
The country’s economic growth is too slow.
The house has a very economical heating system.

historic 有歷史性的 = (1) very important in history (2) have long history
historical 歷史的 = (1) about or based upon people who actually lived or event s that actually happened (2) connected with or found in history
It was a historic decision. (historic agreement)
It was a historical document. (historical figure, historical novel)

industrial 工業的 = connected with industry
industrious 勤勉 = hard-working
We visited some of the country’s industrial areas.
He is an industrious student.

salary 薪水= amount of money for a year’s work, usually paid once a month or twice a month. Professional people are usually paid a salary.
wages 工資 = amount of money that someone, such as a factory worker earns for each hour, usually paid weekly or daily.
2011-06-13 2:27 am

1.misused用錯(misused word)
diused唔用(disused house)
2.dependent(adj.)(dependent on)
dependant(n.)(a dependant)
3.historic歷史上重要既(historic building)
historical歷史的(historical books)

參考: me

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