
2011-06-12 7:39 pm
除左用v=f入 之外 仲有冇其他解釋..

勁過既意思....即係.... 點解可見光既頻率大於微波...

回答 (4)

2011-06-19 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
可見光既頻率大於微波係因為可見光wavelength短d同period細d,對於點解頻率大d,係因為可見光particle顫動(vibration)快過微波,導致period細左,所以每秒做波多過微波.frequency 自然大d
2011-06-13 12:48 am
It is because of biological reason, not because of physical reason.

The optical cells in the eyes of human retina are sensitive only to electromagentic waves (電磁波) of wavelengths ranging from around 400 nm to 700 nm. This is the reason why we can "see" eletromagentic radiation within such wavelengths.

Microwaves are electromagentic waves with wavelengths from about 300 MHz to 30 GHz, which is outside the response capability of the optical cells in our eyes. That's why we cannot "see" microwave radiation.
2011-06-12 8:37 pm

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