Why don't some people Email back. It's a bit rude ignoring someone so polite as me?

2011-06-11 6:27 pm



How can they not care... Don't they realize iv got a issue with em!! lol

回答 (10)

2011-06-11 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cause they don't care :) x

EDIT: Check your mail!! :D x
2011-06-11 6:29 pm
they might be too busy to answer or thier eyes/head may be aching from the computer screen
2011-06-11 6:29 pm
Maybe your emails are forwards or spam or useless stuff.
2011-06-11 6:28 pm
Some people in this world just don't care. Perhaps, my friend can cheer you up. She's a beauty!
2011-06-11 7:04 pm
Maybe the e mails have got lost.
2011-06-11 6:40 pm
Because they're losers, I really think you should drop these people, they're not worthy of being your friends!
2011-06-11 6:29 pm
maybe because they don't what to type back?
2016-05-15 2:50 am
How rude! If it were me I'd completely ignore the email and the person who sent it and put it out of my mind. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of getting to me. If I HAD to give a reply I'd probably say something sarky like 'Aren't you the charmer, win a lot of friends with that mouth?'
2011-06-11 10:37 pm
Maybe they cant read your writing?
2011-06-11 10:34 pm
I think I always do that

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