
2011-06-12 1:57 am

1. 處理存檔和登記工作,包括開立、保、尋找和送檔案;從文作櫃存取檔案;監察檔案往來並確保檔安登記冊管理系統運作良好及定時更新;保存按時呈遞檔案日記簿;把來函存檔並編入索引;註明相關參考檔案,備妥檔案摘錄,開立和結束暫用檔案。
2. 處理文件收發工作,包括記錄時間、認收文件、安排收發文件服務、備存掛號郵件記錄、擬備認收回條,以及在有需要時送遞緊急文作;傳閱/分發和影印文件。
3. 執行打字、電腦文字處理工作。
4. 在有需要時接替私人秘書在休假期間的工作。


回答 (1)

2011-06-12 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is dealing with filing and register work which including open,keeping,sorting out and dispatch; collecting from the filing ; controlling in and out of files to ensure better arrangement and renewal system; preserving and presentation of renewal daily files;indexing the receiving files; notes for filing references,preparing summary of files,open and closing of files.
It is dealing with in and out mails' work which including recording date, receiving mails,arrangement of system of mailing service; recording registered mails, preparing the receipts of mails, and if necessary the expressed dispatch; circulating/ distrbuting and photostated files.
It requires to type, management of internet paper work.
If required in lieu of the private secretary during period of holidays.

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