interest rate f.3

2011-06-11 11:30 pm
Sam deposited $2500 for 2 years, and the simple interest he got is $60, find the interest rate.

is it: 2500X2Xr = 60

兩個有咩分別? 如果佢吾係叫你find interest rate, 叫你find the value of r 感應該係用邊條formula?

hello : 係咪interest rate =1.2% , value of r= 1.2????

回答 (3)

2011-06-13 4:28 pm
r = interest rate in decimal form
r% = interest rate in percent

In your example, r = 0.012, r% = 1.2%
In practice, interest rate is always quoted in percent. When we do the calculation, we use the decimal form. r = r%/100
Interest = principal x interest rate x term
$60 = $2500 x 0.012 * 2
2011-06-12 12:14 am
只不過2500X2Xr = 60冇X返100%姐
如果佢叫你find interest rate 就要加% 你記住有RATE既要加%
叫你搵VALUE OF R既 係要你比個數值佢 唔洗加%
姐係依條: 2500X2Xr = 60

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:05:20
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