Adjective clause 等問題

2011-06-11 10:04 pm
Adjective clause and Passive voice問題

(1)Rewrite the following sentences into adjective clause dy using
which/who/whom .

1.The girl hurt herself.She is crying.

2.The book was expensive.Susan lost it.

3.The CD is Diane's.Joanne is listening to it.

4.Who is the boy?Liz is dancing with him.

5.This is th church.My family goes to.

(2)Rewrite the sentencws in the passive voice .

1.His father will drive him to the station.(use by)

2.We turn on the lights before the class begins.(use by)

回答 (2)

2011-06-12 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
The girl who is crying hurt herself.
The book which Susan lost was expensive.
The CD which Joanne is listening to is Diane's
Who is the boy whom Liz is dancing with?
This is the church which my family goes to.

He will be driven to the station by his father.
The lights is turned on by us before the class begins.
2011-06-12 3:13 am
1.1 The girl who hurt herself is crying.

1.2 The book which was expensive was lost by Susan.

1.3 Joanne is listening the CD which is Diane's

1.4 The boy whom Liz is dancing with?

1.5 The church which my family goes to.

2.1 He will be driven to the station by his father.

2.2 The light is turned on by us before the class begins.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 12:57:04
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