I will be on leave monday" plz correct this sentence?

2011-06-10 10:09 am
Hi, i am not comming to office on monday so i want to inform my manager...... plz tell me the correct sentence..

回答 (5)

2011-06-10 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I will be on leave this Monday.
2011-06-10 10:13 am
I would suggest:

"I will not be in the office on Monday as I will be on leave."

Or even:

"I will not be in the office on Monday as I have booked a day's holiday."
2011-06-10 10:11 am
I will be on leave on monday.
2011-06-10 10:34 am
I want to ask for a leave of absence on Monday. I have some very personal matter to attend and will have t do it this coming Monday. I will report again to work on Tuesday morninng. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Most sincerely yours,
2016-10-19 7:09 pm
I Will Be On Leave
2016-04-02 7:51 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avHjk

The correct way of writing it is: If you like shopping ,DVDs, TV; I certainly love you. You need a semi-colon after TV because the rule is to use a comma UNLESS there are other commas in the sentence (like you did with your list). Then you would use a semi-colon. It is to keep people from getting confused. (Otherwise they may think "I certainly love you" is part of the list). I would also put the word "and" after DVDs. Both "dvds, and..." and "dvds and" are correct, but I always do the one with the comma. (In reference to the person below's answer "then I'll certainly love you"...that is correct too, but I think that may change your meaning a little bit. Your sentence is present conditional (which means "I already love you, if you like these things" ...her way of writing it is more future. Like says "If you like these, then I will love you" (not saying you do already right now)
2016-03-18 11:47 am
Correction: If you like shopping, listening to DVD's and watching TV, then certainly I love you. This is known as parallel construction. (This is just a thought: how about adding reading?) In your question, don't put a comma before a parenthesis.
2015-04-14 3:24 am
I will be on leave on April 20 & 21 im on family outing
2011-06-10 11:13 am
Monday, I will be on leave.
2011-06-10 10:27 am
I have a leave on monday so I will not be in the office

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