隻手 傷左條根

2011-06-11 4:41 am
之前 我練力 舉重野 舉得多得掣 跟住 傷到 右手 1條根 跟住 我日日都有卒 藥油 但係 而家 平時 冇咩點痛 但係 如果 隻右手 一用得多力 條根 就會 小小酸痛 而家過左 3星期 仲係咁樣 我想問下 咁樣會唔會有事 --?

回答 (2)

2011-06-14 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many times, 傷到條根 takes long time to recover.
every time you use it again, it might hurt it again as it is weakened.
So you find it hard to recover because you continue to use it.
You must have it rest for longer time.
Do see a doctor if your problem troubles your daily life
It takes months to recover
2011-06-11 9:43 am

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