google Chrome看不到某站的影片和圖片

2011-06-11 2:36 am
youtube,,優酷的影片看到, 但音悅台等的網就看不到影片,不是LO不到, 是連看的畫面也沒有,另外有某些圖片也看不到., 如goolo.youtube網那標誌看不到,

回答 (1)

2011-06-15 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Google Chrome has little problem,you can download the newest Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave and Java ,but if still doesn't work,is Google's Problem,you can use IE 9(If your computer is Windows Vista/Windows 7),Firefox(not newest,because newest Firefox is like Google Chrome)or Safari!
參考: Hope I can help you!!!! :)

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