
2011-06-11 2:34 am

回答 (4)

2011-06-18 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 要每日用英文寫日記;
2) 要多看英文小說或名作家文章;
3) 要利用課餘空閒時間與同學實習英語會談;
4) 要多結交外國朋友藉以練習英語會談;
5) 要購買專為英語會語而設的錄音帶靈格風,並常常聆聽藉以學習英語發音;
6) 要多收看或收聽英文電視台或電台藉以學習英語各種字彙;
7) 要每日閱讀英文報紙藉以增廣對英文字彙的認識;
8) 最後要購買有關英文文法書,英漢辭典,漢英字典等書籍俾能隨時作為練習及參考之用途。
2011-06-23 7:08 pm
參考: 我, native English teacher, eureka
2011-06-18 6:12 am
Actually, learning to speak in English for Hong Kong people, the only way is to practise. Only this can help you speak in English fluently. You may try to read out loudly. I also learnt it by this way. It helps a lot~!

Besides, phonics and alphabet help you to learn English. There're many books teaching something like this.

These information is only for reference. Hope it help you~

2011-06-17 22:15:17 補充:
Also, watching English TV programme helps a lot. Especially for newsreport. There will be subtitle to help you.
2011-06-15 3:29 am
if you want to learn english well.
you could buy the books which is about left brain learning way
(i am learning )
Do you feel confused about english? don't worried !
you can watch more english animations such as south park !
if you can listen english clearly,it is not difficult for you to speak in english!!

如果你英文真係好差,就一定要去attend一d course. don't be shy!

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