我打棒球嘅...依家個膊頭每當揮臂就隱隱痛, 點算...

2011-06-10 7:50 pm
有時就咁做dum 球姿勢都會隱隱痛
我敷左兩日冰, 今日比尋日好左少少, 真係少少....
我感覺依家就咁fing下隻手, 膊頭關節位都'格格' 聲
佢又唔係好痛, 有時個動作做多兩次就會唔痛, 但係一cool down番又黎過
之前打壘球都試過, 之後有2個月無打, 唔覺唔覺就無事....

回答 (2)

2011-06-15 10:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
baseball commonly cause rotator cuff (the muscle and tendon on your shoulder) injury

before you see a doctor, you can try RICE:
I- Ice therapy
C- compression, like using bandage to crepe it if it swelling
E- elevation, not to sleep on affected side, sleep on the other side with a lateral position

If these don't work, do see a doctor
2011-06-11 9:41 am

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