
2011-06-10 8:13 am

回答 (2)

2011-06-20 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

There are a number of such events available in Hong Kong:

1) 香港公開水域長途泳比賽

This is the most important even in a year. It has 3 series available this year.

Part 1 was held in Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po. Part 2 and 3 will be held in Tuen Mun and Repulse Bay respectively.

The corresponding information of its Part 1 competition can be found from its poster:

The reult of Part 1 can be seen from there:

On the other hand, some smaller-scaled public competitions include:

2) 香港拯溺媲會,拯溺長途錦標賽 ( Sept. 2011 )

3) 大埔區議會曁大埔體育會,吐露港渡海泳 ( Mid Oct. 2011 )

4) 香港冬泳總會,國際冬泳邀請錦標賽 ( Dec. 2011 )

5) 香港拯溺總會,元旦冬泳拯溺錦標賽 ( Jan. 2011 )

6) 香港冬泳總會,屯門體育會,新春冬泳錦標賽 ( Fe. 2011 )

Hope the information provided can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-06-10 11:13 am

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