Want to eat meat but afraid of cholesterol?

2011-06-09 11:52 pm
High cholesterol has been part of my life. What kind of meat I should eat and not to worry about high cholesterol?

Chill with the section thing. It's just a mistake.

回答 (10)

2011-06-10 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Eat any kind of meat you want. A small amount of saturated fat is not going to cause your cholesterol levels to sky-rocket. Eat lots of low glycemic vegetables, and stay away from processed carbs. You can do some google searches and find that a lot of people have come to the conclusion that saturated fat is not the culprit in high cholesterol and heart disease, but in fact grains and carbs are. Insulin spikes among other things cause high cholesterol. As for dietary cholesterol, you need it to function properly. Your brain needs it to keep you mentally stable. It plays a part in the absorption of vitamin D from sunlight, and it's not even a fat, it's an alcohol! Dietary cholesterol does not raise your blood cholesterol at all. Watch the movie "Fat Head", it is a rebuttal documentary to "Supersize Me". The person in the movie eats nothing but McDonald's and actually loses weight, decreases his body fat percentage, and decreases his blood cholesterol. He then does another experiment where he eats nothing but green vegetables, full-fat cheese, coconut oil, beef, butter, and other low-carb, grain free, saturated fat-drenched foods. In this experiment, he decreases his blood cholesterol further, improves his mental focus, and has tons of energy. :)
2011-06-09 11:55 pm
You can eat a lot of meats, just don't eat ridiculous amounts. Cutting all cholesterol off may not be a fantastic idea - cholesterol is actually used by the body. It plays a part in all of your cell's membranes. Lean meat will be better, as a lot of the fats will be higher in cholesterol.
2011-06-09 11:55 pm
You've chosen the vegetarian section to ask a question about what meat to eat? Then I can only suggest mock meat (no cholesterol probs there).
2011-06-09 11:53 pm
Go vegan and don't worry about cholesterol at all.

'Cause there is none.

參考: Vegan POWARRRRH!
2011-06-10 12:10 am
Any lean meat. Chicken breasts comes immediately to mind. Use as little fat as possible when cooking.
You may be genetically predisposed to having high cholesterol, it might not be the food you eat. To learn more, make an appointment with a dietician to help you with this.
2011-06-09 11:54 pm
careful,there are veggies that are fatty also,so just drink water ,just to be safe
2011-06-10 12:31 am
If you're worried about cholesterol, don't eat meat. Simple as that.
參考: vegan
2011-06-09 11:53 pm
hmmm the only thing im thinking of is Chicken with out the skin and maby alittle goat.
2011-06-09 11:55 pm
This is a vegetarian section, your choice of subject to bring up is just the worst one for this section. Vegetarians don't eat meat, please ask elsewhere.
2011-06-09 11:55 pm
ew dont eat meat and dont ask the vegan/ vegitarians for help

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