Can someone PLEASE help me figure out which guy I should pickk?

2011-06-08 10:57 pm
So basically, I was talking to guy1 for about a week, then he stopped texting me so I figured he already moved on or he was mad at me or what ever. (btw Guy1 is known for being a player but all of my friends think I would be a good match for him)
So then I met guy2 and he started liking me and i started liking him and we plan on going on a date tomorrow. But then today Guy1 called me and told me that he was at football camp and didn't have signal where he was so he had no way of talking to me.
Now I don't know what to do because I like both of them.
My friends want me to be with Guy1 because he's really spontaneous and exciting, but I'm afraid if i choose him I will end up getting played.
And I'm pretty sure if I went for guy2 then we would last and I wouldn't get played.


回答 (3)

2011-06-08 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go for the guy who won't play you i have been in ur situation and i went for the player which was a big mistake give the shy one a chance
2011-06-09 6:03 am
i been with players ALOT like sometimes it can be fun but at times u will end beening jelouse because all the girls are on him...or not you mite be cheated on it depends on how he is , i would pick guy2 :)
2011-06-09 6:01 am
I would choose Guy 2.
Guy 1 didn't respect you. He should have told you before he went to the football camp that he might not be able to text you instead of leaving you hanging like that.

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