What is the name of this Pokemon ROM hack series? (Don't judge...)?

2011-06-08 10:37 pm
About a year ago, I used to watch a Pokemon ROM hack series on Youtube. Now, that I want to watch it again, I can't seem to recall the name...
I remember very little, so I apologize if it seems very general...
I can remember a scene from one of the gates in Saffron City and what follows is not shown in the show, but has something to do with a forest (If you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about)
Something got the main character to wash up on the shore of an island, and this led up to him somehow destroying a cave...
I know that at least 2 of the main characters were boys and at least one of them was a girl...
It was set in Leafgreen-style Kanto (except for 1 part set in Johto in which a rockslide (?) hit the main female character's town)
-Thank you if you can recognize this series, sorry if I wasted your time...

回答 (2)

2011-06-08 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i dont really know but i think you should go to

pokecommunity.com to see the hacks there
2016-11-19 3:13 pm
There are quite a few Pokemon hacks that are numerous relaxing. I strongly propose Pokemon glazed, Pokemon victory hearth, and Pokemon ash gray. the 1st 2 are thoroughly unique religions and well-being club leaders with the standard Pokemon y'all love. Ash gray is quite the anime placed right into a video interest. wish you like those as much as I did!

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