"Hey, guy". Bad English?

2011-06-08 7:55 am
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing this unnatural greeting and I want you guys to back me up. Do you think it's wrong? Especially the apostrophe after the Hey! Would you call it Chinglish/Bad English?/Grammar/Syntax error?

回答 (8)

2011-06-08 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no apostrophe after 'Hey', there IS a comma.

'Hey! Guy.' are really 2 slang greetings and both are in bad taste (manners AND English).
'Hey Guy.' is a slang greeting but less aggravating than the above one.
'Hey, guy.' is a slang greeting also but the speaker took a quick rest between Hey and guy.

If you MUST respond to such a greeting, simply say, "Whajja want, ya bum, ain't ya gots no manners?"
參考: author
2011-06-08 8:20 am
no sir the apostrophe shows a pause...simple sentence format..
2011-06-08 7:59 am
yeah seems off

i hear something like "hey dude" "hey man"

the comma doesn't stick out as being wrong

it could be bad english but maybe that's just what some native english ppl say in different parts of the world

Champagne supernova- WHAA??? kinda random and unnecessary but ok lol i'm american and its not totally untrue that phrase annoys me too >>
and come on..you know nz has same dumb slang too
2016-10-16 10:43 pm
Hey Guy
2016-03-16 11:15 am
There is a saying in English which was commonly used and heard in my childhood and youth - "play up and play the game" and "it's not the winning, it's the playing that matters." In recent years [decades] the English have lost their sporting character and have become like Continental louts - whistling and booing is something the English never did in the past. Polite hand clapping was the order of the day and rather louder clapping if your side hit a six etc. As a Welshman, I now have very little respect for English supporters and commentators. It's fine to be partisan if a person is a support, but not for a commentator. The job of commentator is to 'comment' on the game in view and not make snide remarks about the players or the winning side or about their country. I would just like to add that as a Celt and a Welshman, I expect myself and my fellow countrymen to behave in the most barbaric and uncivilised manner one can possibly imagine on each and every occasion. Be it a game, a sport or war. I do not expect the civilized English to behave as barbarians. I at least have an excuse, I am a Celt after all, what do you expect?
2015-11-19 11:24 pm
More than bad English...boorish manners.
Maybe I am too harsh in criticizing the millennial acceptance of "you guys",
as an acceptable salutation when used as a vocal pass between humans of
very different makeups.

To me, it violates several codes, age, when a 20 y/o addresses an elder as
just another "guy". Sex, when a 80 y/o grandmother is assaulted by a kid
with the odious appellation, "you guy". Scripture...honor your father and mother
"you guys" doesn't resonate honor.
2015-08-17 6:44 am
This Site Might Help You.

"Hey, guy". Bad English?
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing this unnatural greeting and I want you guys to back me up. Do you think it's wrong? Especially the apostrophe after the Hey! Would you call it Chinglish/Bad English?/Grammar/Syntax error?
參考: quot hey guy quot bad english: https://shortly.im/Apuvw
2011-06-08 8:21 am
...some people are a little tooo anal about 'proper english' [except they have a point about the couldn't care less] ANYWAYS. everyone has their way of speaking i guess. doesn't matter.
2011-06-08 8:01 am
i dont like it either -.- or when someones like "Hey you person" or "Hey you girl/guy" stuff like that. i think its rude and disrespectful. i would call it Bad english & Nonsense
2011-06-08 8:04 am
Haha, an American referring to bad English and grammar.

Your whole country is made up of bad English and grammar.

Hey = Hello, Wanna = Want to, Gonna = Going to, Aint = Is not. Too many to go through.

The really stupid one that gets me is.. "Could care less", which Americans use to signify that you "Could not care less", but fail to realize that by saying "Could care less" suggests that you actually do some what care.

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