
2011-06-07 8:39 pm
我屋企人全部已移民了美國,而我都一直申請中,上年2010年11月收到封,大概內容是叫我找一個AGENT或睇得懂英文文件或可以以英文溝通,了解美國領事館程序的機構或人與美領事館聯。據過往屋企人經驗,哩封信出得即代表9成派左,只要按程序在1年之內交齊有效文件就OK, 然後等領事館再發信話我知時去。(但如果哩封信,即2010年11月收到的哩封過左一年,就等於無效,所有申請都要重頭來過)



1, 我現在未結婚,無物業,資産都不多,我能成功申請機會可能不大。那我可以以放棄移民哩個理由來說服領事館人員我無意逗留在美國嗎?( 那可能增加成功機會。)



回答 (3)

2011-06-08 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Sorry - but the answer is no.

Intention to stay has no relationship with immigration.

In a simple way - intention to stay is a legal definition for visa approval and denial that how likely the person will violate the immigration law. For instance, misuse and abuse travel visa (such as people apply travel visa for marriage purpose).

2. There is nothing official - you lose your spot, but it does not mean you can't reapply.

By the way - it seems that you still have your chance due to backlog.

2011-06-08 14:41:50 補充:
Sorry but I don't know how to type Chinese.
2011-06-14 9:43 pm
2011-06-08 8:00 am
Suggest you to call the US consulation office or ask an immigration attonery to ask for what is the best way for you.

1. To get a Tourist VISA with an immigration application pending, and especially you may already have a VISA number for your immigration case. The chance for your to get a Tourist VISA is much lower. As far as I know, a person in your situation may be allowed to adjust status within US if the person can reach US. SO, the officer usually do not like to give VISA to person with this situation. (Well... Even you said you are going to give up your application, the officer may tell you to apply again after your case closed.)

2. Well... not sure if there is any official way to give up the application. You will have to ask the US office for this. If your parent has green card, and they are applying you. Marrying with your BF is equal to give up your application. (Maybe you can choose to do the paperwork of getting marry with him first.)

Depending on what you and your bf did for living. If it is labor jobs, life could be better in US than HK. If you married with him, your application may include him if your parent are US citizens. The application may move from Family 1 to Family 3 if I did not recall it wrong. This will give you a few years of extra waiting, but it may worth for your future. So, look for your options carefully. (If your cases still have a few years of wait time, the chance for it to affect your chance to get a tourist VISA is a lot smaller.)

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