My girlfriend doesn't put out and yet is angry that i masturbate....Help?

2011-06-07 6:34 am
MY girlfriend only makes out with me and i being a teenager i have a lot of sexual tension. She is very religious and finds self gratification very displeasing to say the least, yet i have no other means of relieving that stress. I know, like in most cases, i'm probably wrong but its sort of hard to go weeks, months, or even years without feeling that...uh,...feeling again. One time and your hooked. Anybody have any bit of advice??

回答 (7)

2011-06-07 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why do you let her know? Just do it and don't tell her. Masturbation is perfectly healthy and only religious nutjobs believe that it's immoral and wrong. You have needs and it's smart that you're not taking them out through sex (which also isn't wrong to do before marriage) because you won't risk pregnancy and STD's.
參考: You're fine. Just lie
2016-10-06 12:22 pm
How can she be racist and he or she is in a loving dating with you? Or is she? I as quickly as observed a question at here the place the female became into black and the guy became into white. while they have intercourse and he could communicate grimy. He wall referred to as her the N notice, b*tch, h*e, etc. and he or she became into completely positive with it, yet puzzled if he became into racist? it is not a healthful dating and the two companions might desire to re-examine themselves. comparable applies on your situation.
2011-06-07 6:55 am
Your girlfriend is more than religious ? she selfish and controlling individual and she looking for some one do as she said

The kind of life she is living as abnormal and she think her way of thinking is the only way.

to continue in a relationship with her is going to be difficult to deal with because you can't control .
2011-06-07 6:46 am
In England it is actually recommended that teens masturbate about once a day. Of course in the US it is less accepted by the public. This is why Bill Clinton fired the surgeon general in his administration. The US religious people tend to strongly appose masturbation. It is normal to have a sexual urge when well, you aren't having sex. 88% of women masturbate and gosh there are few men that don't/didn't masturbate.
2011-06-07 6:39 am
Just jack it.
2011-06-07 6:36 am
Just don't tell her you do.
2011-06-07 6:36 am
you makes out with her and you said she's very religious?????????

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