急急急! to-infinitive

2011-06-06 9:30 pm
How lucky I am to have found you

what type of grammer/tenses is this
i.e. after ''to'' using ''have found to '' , I havent seen it before

''how lucky I am'' 點解可以甘用ge??

回答 (3)

2011-06-07 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
How lucky I am to have found you!

What a wonderful day!並不是問你今天是否很棒/好,而是讚嘆「今天真是非常好天氣或很理想的一天」

用how, what, why等作為感嘆句是英語中常用的。

1. Mary wore the clothes she bought yesterday
Mary wore the clothes that she bought yesterday
Mary wore the clothes which she bought yesterday
但如果按正規文法,只有第二句是比較正確的寫/講法。第一句是省略了that這個連接/從附詞把clothes在兩個動詞間都作為轉移,即是mary wore the clothes - which clothes - the clothes that she bought yesterday.

2 who are these boots?
whose are these boots?
whom are these bootes?

Who are these boots' owners?
Whom are these boots belong to?

it was hard for me to stay mad at the girl I am falling for.
( )的the girl是不用重覆的,因為前點已寫出the girl I am falling for已經講出你fall for(迷上)的是一個女仔。這是高深一點的句式,以preposition結束一句,帶出那種延續未完的感覺,讓讀者接下去下句了解你fall for情迷一個人仔時你hard to stay mad at her不能恨她下去,之後會怎樣呢?

I am falling for the girl, so it was hard for me to stay mad at her.
2011-06-07 5:13 pm
hey, you havent answered the frist question yet
would you mind to answer it too?

How lucky I am to have found you
what type of grammer/tenses is this
i.e. after ''to'' using ''have found to '' , I havent seen it before

2011-06-07 09:23:22 補充:
whom是「被稱那個人是誰」, 如何利用這個定義解釋以下句子? thx
I met a man with whom I used to work.
He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores.
2011-06-06 10:44 pm
"how lucky I am " 係解 「我是多麼幸運!」

1. Mary wore the clothes she bought yesterday
= Mary穿了她昨天買的衣服。 (沒有指明哪件)

Mary wore the clothes that she bought yesterday
= Mary穿了她昨天買的衣服。

Mary wore the clothes which she bought yesterday
= Mary穿了她昨天買的那些衣服。

2 who are these boots?
= 這對boots是誰? (指不認識的人)

whose are these boots?
= 這對boots是誰的? (指認識的人)

whom are these boots?
= 這對boots是什麼人的? (指不認識的人)

2011-06-07 18:29:13 補充:
I met a man with whom I used to work.
= 我以前工作的時候認識了一個男人。

He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores.
= 他取出了一張他那敬重的兒子的照片。

HopE Can HelP You=)
參考: 自己

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