adverb of manner用法及疑問

2011-06-06 7:11 pm
為何he left quietly the room是錯的?點解 he quietly left the room才對?
另外我想了解多點adverb of manner用法,請列出相關例句。

回答 (3)

2011-06-08 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are three main positions for adverbs:

(1) Front position – before the subject
Adverb + subject + verb phrase (+ ….)
e.g. Occasionally David missed lessons.

(2) Middle position
Subject + adverb + finite verb (+ ….)
David occasionally missed lessons.

Subject + First auxiliary + adverb + rest of verb phrase (+ ….)
David has occasionally missed lessons.

(3) End position – at the end of clause
Subject + verb phrase (+ ….) + adverb
David missed lessons occasionally.

In your sentence,
Quietly he left the room.
He quietly left the room.
He left the room quietly.

We use adverbs of manner to say how something is done. We usually put them in end position.
e.g. I will read it carefully.
He writes clearly.
They searched the room thoroughly.

With verb + object sentences, length of the object affects the position of adverb. If the object is long we usually put the adverb before the verb.
e.g. She carefully picked up all the bits of broken glass.
She secretly decided to leave the town.

Adverbs of manner are sometimes used, especially in novels, to describe how something was said.
e.g. "I have a torch, just follow me,” she said nervously.


"as if" and "as though" are not adverbs of manner. They are subordinating conjunctions which are used at the beginning of manner clause.

參考: A-Z of English Grammar & Usage - Leech
2011-06-08 8:58 pm
絕大多數的Averbs of Manner 是 Adjective 後+ ly, 用作描述 how - 如何或 in
what manner - 以那種態度. 例如:
She dances beautifully/gracefully/elegantly.
The solders fought bravely/fearlessly.
The baby slept soundly/ comfortably.
Slowly and sadly we buried him. 等等

其他的非 ly 的 Adverb of Manner 如:

2011-06-08 13:01:52 補充:
I don't think (so)./ You should not do so. / The poem is (well) written. 等等.
2011-06-08 4:38 am
Q1: 爲何He left quietly the room.是錯的? 點解He quietly left the room.才對?

是 因為predicate verb=left 跟object=the room.之間不可有adv阻隔.
pv 與 object 最好是在一起.

一些組合的詞是歡迎加挿adv在其中. 例 :

complement.= She is beautiful...............She is very beautiful.

passive voice.=The glass is broken.........The glass is really broken.

aux. v.= You can do that..............You can not do that.

perfect tense.= I have eaten....................I have just eaten.

Q2 : Adv of manner. Manner =習慣的方式/方法. 例 :

It looks as if it will rain.............( 成個天都黑晒, 睇嚟 將會下雨.)

I have done it as it should be done..... ( 那個得, 這個應該得.)

Thay talked as though thay had been friends for years.(佢哋口水多過茶,恰似多年老友.)

2011-06-10 20:39:24 補充:
更正 : thay ====>>> they才對!

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