Crazy Geometry (6)

2011-06-06 8:10 am
On the rectangular coordinate plane, a point P is randomly chosen on the line segment joining (0, -1) and (0, 1). Another point Q is randomly chosen on the line segment joining (1, -1) and (1, 1). Two circles, each with radius 1, are then drawn using P and Q as centres respectively. Find the probability that the two circles intersect.
在直角坐標平面上,我們隨意在連接(0, -1)和(0, 1)的線段上選一點P,再隨意在連接(1, -1)和(1, 1)的線段上選一點Q,然後分別以P和Q為圓心,各作一個半徑為1的圓。求兩圓相交的概率。

回答 (4)

2011-06-07 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suppose that P is (0, p) and Q is (1, q) where -1 <= p, q <= 1 as follows:

From the figure, we can obtain the distance between P and Q, x, is given by:

x = √[(0 - 1)2 + (p - q)2]

= √[1 + (p - q)2]

For the circle NOT to intersect, x > 2 is a necessary condition and so:

√[1 + (p - q)2] > 2

1 + (p - q)2 > 4

(p - q)2 > 3

p - q > √3 or q - p > √3

So when we plot q against p as follows:

For the circles not to intersect, the point described as (p, q) in the coordinate should be within the area bounded by either triangle, i.e. the one with vertices (1, -1), (1, 1 - √3) and (√3 - 1, -1) and the one with vertices (-1, 1), (1 - √3, 1) and (-1, √3 - 1)

So total area of the triangles is:

2 x (1/2)(2 - √3)2 = 7 - 4√3

And with the square area = 4, the prob. of NOT intersecting is:

(7 - 4√3)/4

So the prob. of intersecting is 1 - (7 - 2√3)/4 = (4√3 - 3)/4
參考: 原創答案
2011-06-15 3:07 am
very nice.
2011-06-07 1:57 am
Correct! How do you get it?
2011-06-07 12:35 am
I think that the answer is (7 - 4 sqrt(3)) / 4

2011-06-06 16:36:46 補充:
Oh, (7 - 4 sqrt(3)) / 4 is the prob of not intersect.

prob of intersect should be (4 sqrt(3) - 3) / 4

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