
2011-06-06 7:33 pm

1..He told me that he quit smoking and that surprised me.
2..He told me that he quit somking and I surprised for that.
3..He told me , he quit smoking , I surprised for that.
(他告訴我, 他戒煙了, 我為這感到驚訝!)

回答 (3)

2011-06-06 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. He told me that he quit smoking and that surprised me.
2..He told me that he quit somking and I surprised for that.
3..He told me , he quit smoking , I surprised for that.
(他告訴我, 他戒煙了, 我為這感到驚訝!)
1. He told me that he quit smokingand that surprised me. (O)
2. He told me that he quit smoking and I was surprised at (by) that (it).
Note: somebody be surprised at (by) something
3. He told me, he quit smoking, I surprised for that. (X)A. He told me thathe quit smoking and I was surprised at it.B. He told me hequit smoking and I was surprised at that. Note: he quit smoking是told的直接受詞,連接詞that可省略
C. He told me: “He quit smoking.”I was surprised at that.

2011-06-06 10:22 pm
似乎應該用過去完成式:He told me (that) he had quit smoking and ...
2011-06-06 8:04 pm

1. He told me that he quit smoking and that surprised me.


2. He told me that he quit smoking and I was surprised for that.

I 子句要用被動,因我是被驚訝的

ˇ3. He told me he quit smoking and I was surprised.

逗號拿掉, he quit....是受詞補語, I....要被動, for that 可省略


2011-06-06 15:13:53 補充:
意見區 Ed 好友的建議也是老登一直在思考,是否應用過去完成式,

照理講應該用 過去完成式的.

He told me that he had quit smoking and that surprised me.

He told me that he had quit smoking and I was surprised for that.

He told me he had quit smoking and I was surprised.


He told me that he quit smoking yeserday all day but in vain.

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