Hello.Are you sophisticated or natural?

2011-06-05 8:16 pm

回答 (11)

2011-06-11 2:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2011-06-11 2:21 pm
More on the sophisticated side, but i wouldn't call myself a sophiticated girl.
I wouldn't call myself natural either, ANYTHING but that! LOL
2011-06-06 3:24 am
I would quite like to think i am naturally sophisticated

2011-06-06 3:23 am
sometimes natural, mostly sophisticated
2011-06-06 3:22 am
I'm Sophistically Natural
2011-06-06 3:21 am
2011-06-06 3:18 am
always natural......
2011-06-06 3:17 am
Im both.
Depends where :)
2011-06-06 3:17 am
2011-06-06 3:17 am
im natural

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