ck 同burberry底褲一問-v-! 10點

2011-06-06 1:52 am


唔該唔好比上年買百幾一條個d價我:(:( 我想知近期的!

回答 (3)

2011-06-10 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

Your question is problematic !!!!


CK has various product line and different style. You cannot get the exact answer if you ask how much is a CK underwear. If you wanna know the retail price, why don't you go to their stores? Or you should ask a particular product. Eg. Pro Stretch, Hip Brief. I can tell you it's 120.


Price really depends on different style, fabrication and product line.

CK one brief is 150

X is 160-180

The Basic one is around 120

You have to bear in mind that CK has different product line and some retailer (eg.SOGO) make have discount from time to time.

I guess you're a form 1-3 student and you're wearing white underwear, your mother buy underwear for you, and she probably buy 菊花牌, or 左單奴.

You are embarrasses when you have to change in front of a group of classmates, eg PE Lesson or Swimming lesson.

You may feel equally embarrasses to visit CK's underwear shop because they sell woman's underwear too, or because the sales are all girls. I think it's nothing wrong to visit CK's underwear shop. My advice is that you'd better change your school uniform first if you wanna to shop for underwear.

You can visit Calvin Klein Jeans, only men's underwear and other products are available.

For more information, you may visit my blog
參考: my blog
2011-06-10 12:57 am
參考: 自己專業知識
2011-06-07 11:02 pm
我自己本身也是在這批貨 網拍ComingZOO服飾批發~~每個星期進一次貨,款式很多平均在5千件左右,而且很多都是日本原單&日本樂天正品或正韓國製專櫃品牌星期四島嶼&韓國正品原單!!也有一般跑量的衣服,多元化讓選

目前 全球1件起可試批 量大還可以海運 下單累計另有折扣 全部都是工廠價喔~~!

網拍還有提供給您全部衣服的照片..各種角度及重點特色部位~~還有告知尺寸表、衣服的質料,有些衣服還有幫你介紹 (不用自己量~妳總不可能每件都進貨吧!)


(不必擔心侵權的問題喔!!圖片都幫你用好了 不必再花錢請麻豆!!)

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