AL CHEM (Organic)

2011-06-05 8:08 pm
我想問一下 :

There is a mixture of solution containing same amount of three organic compound : phenol , phenylamine & 2-bromo-3-methylbenzene

How can you seperate the mixture into three seperate tubes.
Please outline the process and explain.

(我阿sir 話用 ethyl ether 係其中一個方法 , 但詳細要點做???)
有冇其他method(s) 可以用???

55~個名打錯左 係1-bromo-2-methylbenzene

回答 (1)

2011-06-06 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
clearly, the 3 compounds have very obvious chemical properties: phenol is acidic, phenylamine is basic, while the last one is neither (almost non-polar).

based on this, it shouldn't be difficult for you to separate.

add aqueous acid to protonate is amine, followed by separation of aqueous and organic layer.
recover the amine from aqueous layer by adding a strong base, followed by extraction with a polar-but-inmiscible-with-water solvent (ether is a good choice).
separate the two layers, evaporate the ether to obtain the amine.

similar procedure for the acid (phenol): convert it into species that could be separated by solvent extraction -- solvent extraction -- recovery -- solvent extraction again to remove excess acid/base added -- evaporation.

the remained is what doesn't react wit acid nor base.
btw, isn't the name of THAT compound strange?
shouldn't it be something like "1-bromo-2-methylbenzene" ?

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