
2011-06-05 7:17 pm
最近學校教左個participle phrases,話可以把前面個句子的動詞+ed or +ing,咁就可以5要個句子的名詞,但係我最近又看到一些句子開頭用左動詞,但係又5洗+d咩,用翻基本式,咁我要點分個句係用participle phrases定係5洗轉呢?

回答 (1)

2011-06-07 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
開頭用咗v唔使加啲咩,多數是[ 祈使句=simple orders ].

Q1 : 一些指引或命令,祈望他人去做的事情.

例: Open the window for me, please.

: Turn right then you will get there.

: Come when you please.

Q2 : Participle phrases 若在句前多是作adv 去描述之後發生的事情.

例: ( adv clause ) = Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.

-//- = Having promised him, you should keep your word.

-//- = Decieved by his friend, he lost all hope.

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