Why is AgCl insoluble in water

2011-06-05 6:11 pm
Why is AgCl insoluble in water

回答 (3)

2011-06-05 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is ionic compound

solvent with permanent dipole (polar solvent) can dissolve some ionic compound although the ionic bond is strong.An exothermic
because polar solvent can break the ionic bond to form ion-dipole attraction .
the attraction will make the hydrated ions that stable in polar solvent

new ion-dipole attraction will form when these attraction are stronger or similar to that of the ionic bond . ionic compound is stable.

exothermic when solve because energy release.
formation of ion-dipole attraction usually give out more energy than the energy require to break the ionic bond


2011-06-07 15:19:16 補充:
sorry 我可能真係冇睇清楚

Then why is NaCl soluble in water?


Why is AgCl insoluble in water?

Silver chloride, AgCl, is insoluble since all chlorides are soluble EXCEPT those of silver, lead (II), mercury (I), copper (II) and thallium.

至於why 就答唔到=[

參考: myself, 好比心機答你
2011-06-06 3:07 am
Wai Ho, 雖然你答題可能很用心, 但明顯沒有仔細閱讀題目, 以致文不對題.

2011-06-05 19:09:34 補充:
你說氯化銀是離子化合物, 但又不溶水, 恐怕是自相矛盾了.
2011-06-05 11:23 pm
Then why is AgCl not soluble in water?
How does the attractions affect the solubility??????????

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