Help me difficult english!20点~

2011-06-05 12:50 am
3.cooked food scraps
6.environmentally friendly
9.end up
10.second-hand clothes

1.Some people don't like wearing ________________.
2.The campaign has ______________the number of plastic bags used.
3.If we don't stop global warming ,we may _____________ruining the planet.
4.What does your family do with your _____________?do you throw them away?
5.Most glass bottles can be ___________.
6.Every year ,more and more people are turning into regular____________.
7.The machine helps to ____________ various types of waste.
8.The shops are selling more____________ products nowadays.
9.It's important for everyone to be __________of the effects of global warming.
10.Do you recycle your leftover fruit and vegetable as _________?
11.The ____________show that recycling wasn't very popular in the 1970s.
12.The organisation's________is to reduce the amount of waste in local landfills.

回答 (3)

2011-06-05 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Some people don't like wearing second-hand clothes.

2.The campaign has reduced the number of plastic bags used.

3.If we don't stop global warming ,we may end up ruining the planet.

4.What does your family do with your cooked food scraps? do you throw them away?

5.Most glass bottles can be ? .

6.Every year ,more and more people are turning into regular recyclers.

7.The machine helps to separate various types of waste.

8.The shops are selling more environmentally friendly products nowadays.

9.It's important for everyone to be aware of the effects of global warming.

10.Do you recycle your leftover fruit and vegetable as compost?

11.The archives show that recycling wasn't very popular in the 1970s.

12.The organisation's goal is to reduce the amount of waste in local landfills.

第9題的答案我估是 aware, 而第5題就估唔到, 因為有好多可能性, 例如 reused, recycled.
參考: me
2011-06-12 2:14 am
5) Most glass bottles can be broken.
2011-06-05 6:19 am
5) Most glass bottles can be recycled.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:32:11
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