
2011-06-04 8:38 am

多謝你昨天的接見, 我們會儘快做好個proposal, 其待我們的合作.

意思大致係咁, 希望大家幫忙諗下可以點打會好d及豐富d,同埋我想問proposal

回答 (3)

2011-06-06 5:27 am
Thanks for giving the chance of yesterday's interview. We will try our best to finish the proposal as soon as possibe. May we have a pleasant cooperation.

最後個句我改左做希望合作愉快, 希望語氣聽落去會真誠d
2011-06-04 5:30 pm
Thank you for yesterday's interview, we will make a proposal, the question of our cooperation.

Department of meaning roughly like that, hope you can help recite the following points would be better to play d and rich d, I would like to ask all child proposal
Department of point format to play please help
2011-06-04 9:03 am
We appreciate you spent time to meet with us yesterday. We'll draft up a proposal for your review as soon as possible and we look forward to doing business with you.

You can try using this Microsoft Office Business Proposal template.

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